INFORECERCA: Butlletí Informatiu del Servei de Recerca de l'IMIM
Número: 416
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IMI is a partnership between the European Union and the European pharmaceutical industry, represented by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
The goal of the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI 2) is to develop next generation vaccines, medicines and treatments, such as new antibiotics. It will build on the successes and lessons learnt under IMI. Like IMI, it will bring together companies, universities, public laboratories, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), patient groups and regulators in collaborative projects that will pave the way for breakthrough vaccines, medicines and treatments to tackle Europe’s growing health challenges, and secure the future international competitiveness of Europe’s pharmaceutical industry.
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The WCRF grant programme accepts applications on the link between diet, nutrition, body composition, physical activity and cancer prevention and survival.
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Atorgar una beca al millor projecte d'investigació oncològica translacional i/o d'aplicació en la pràctica clínica, que es prevegi iniciar en el transcurs de l'any 2014.
Fomentar la formació de joves investigadors oncòlegs i de promoure la ràpida transmissió dels avanços científics als pacients amb càncer.
Recursos Humans
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Termini exhaurit
Atorgar una beca al millor projecte d'investigació oncològica translacional i/o d'aplicació en la pràctica clínica, que es prevegi iniciar en el transcurs de l'any 2014.
Fomentar la formació de joves investigadors oncòlegs i de promoure la ràpida transmissió dels avanços científics als pacients amb càncer.
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Fundació Jerome Lejeune
La Fondation Jerôme Lejeune és una entitat sense ànim de lucre, amb l'objectiu de fer recerca en malalties genètiques que provoquen discapacitat intel·lectual.
Recursos Humans
Termini exhaurit
Promoure la recerca internacional sobre Biologia Molecular i en especial la mobilitat dels investigadors que vulguin treballar a un centre d'un altre país.
Pérez-Ruiz J, Salman-Monte TC*, Pros A, Mestres A, Carbonell J. Vasculitis aórtica en un paciente con lupus eritematoso sistémico. Reumatol Clin 2016; 12(3): 169-172.
de Haan-Bosch M, Gómez-Tomás A, Baños JE, Farré M*. Dallas Buyers Club (2013): la investigación clínica con fármacos durante la epidemia del sida de los años 80. Revista de Medicina y Cine 2015; 11(2): 73-81.
García-Díez I*, Curto-Barredo L, Weller K, Pujol RM, Maurer M, Giménez-Arnau AM. Adaptación transcultural del cuestionario Urticaria Control Test del alemán al castellano. Actas Dermosifiliograf 2015; 106(9): 746-752.
Sotelo-Monge K, Gálvez A*, Álvarez-Larran A, Quijada C, Matheu A. Optic neuropathy secondary to dasatinib in the treatment of a chronic myeloid leukemia case. Saudi J Ophthalmol 2015; 29(3): 227-231.
Mateus JA, Baños JE*, Papaseit E, Farré M. El lado oscuro de los fármacos en el cine. Revista de Medicina y Cine 2015; 11(2): 87-96.
Viñals X, Moreno E, Lanfumey L, Cordomí A, Pastor A, de la Torre R, Gasperini P, Navarro G, Howell LA, Pardo L, Lluís C, Canela EI, McCormick PJ*, Maldonado R*, Robledo P*. Cognitive Impairment Induced by Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol Occurs through Heteromers between Cannabinoid CB1 and Serotonin 5-HT2A Receptors. PLoS Biol 2015; 13(7): e1002194.
Pérez-Terán P*, Roca O, Rodríguez-Palomares J, Sacanell J, Leal S, Solé J, Rochera MI, Román A, Ruiz-Rodríguez JC, Gea J, Evangelista A, Masclans JR. Influence of right ventricular function on the development of primary graft dysfunction after lung transplantation. J Heart Lung Transpl 2015; 34(11): 1423-1429.
Porta M*, Vineis P, Bolúmar F. The current deconstruction of paradoxes: one sign of the ongoing methodological "revolution". Eur J Epidemiol 2015; 30(10): 1079-1087.
Hawley S, Javaid MK, Rubin KH, Judge A, Arden NK, Vestergaard P, Eastell R, Díez-Pérez A, Cooper C, Abrahamsen B, Prieto-Alhambra D*. Incidence and Predictors of Multiple Fractures Despite High Adherence to Oral Bisphosphonates: A Binational Population-Based Cohort Study. J Bone Miner Res 2016; 31(1): 234-244.
Barja-Fernández S, Folgueira C, Seoane LM, Casanueva FF, Dieguez C, Castelao C, Agüera Z, Baños R, Botella C, de la Torre R, Fernández JC, Fernández JM, Frühbeck G, Gómez-Ambrosi J, Jiménez-Murcia S, Tinahones FJ, Estivill X, Fernández-Aranda F, Nogueiras R*. Circulating Betatrophin Levels Are Increased in Anorexia and Decreased in Morbidly Obese Women. J Clin Endocr Metab 2015; 100(9): E1188-1196.
López B, Luque S, Maseda E, Grau S*. Comment on: Pharmacokinetics of high dosage of linezolid in two morbidly obese patients. J Antimicrob Chemother 2015; 70(11): 3168.
Nordell AD, McKenna M, Borges AH, Duprez D, Neuhaus J, Neaton JD, the INSIGHT SMART, ESPRIT Study Groups, and SILCAAT Scientific Committee (...,Knobel H,...). Severity of cardiovascular disease outcomes among patients with HIV is related to markers of inflammation and coagulation. J Am Heart Assoc 2014; 3(3): e000844.
Barrios C, Pascual J*, Otero S, Soler MJ, Rodríguez-García E, Collado S, Faura A, Mojal S, Navarro-González JF, Betriu A, Fernández E, Vladivielso JM, on behalf of the investigators of the NEFRONA study. Diabetic nephropathy is an independent factor associated to severe subclinical atheromatous disease. Atherosclerosis 2015; 242(1): 37-44.
Agüero F, González-Zobl G, Baena-Diez JM, Dégano IR, Garcia-Gil M, Alzamora MT, Marrugat J, Comas-Cufí M, Pera G, Elosua R, Ramos R, Grau M*. Prevalence of lower extremity peripheral arterial disease in individuals with chronic immune mediated inflammatory disorders. Atherosclerosis 2015; 242(1): 1-7.
Bollerslev J*, Rejnmark L, Marcocci C, Shoback DM, Sitges-Serra A, Van Biesen W, Dekkers OM. European Society of Endocrinology Clinical Guideline: Treatment of chronic hypoparathyroidism in adults. Eur J Endocrinol 2015; 173(2): G1-G20.
Alemany S*, Ribases M*, Vilor-Tejedor N, Bustamante M, Sánchez-Mora C, Bosch R, Richarte V, Cormand B, Casas M, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Sunyer J. New suggestive genetic loci and biological pathways for attention function in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Am J Med Genet B 2015; 168(6): 459-470.
Agusti A*, Gea J, Faner R. Biomarkers, the control panel and personalized COPD medicine. Respirology 2016; 21(1): 24-33.
Pont-Sunyer C, Iranzo A*, Gaig C, Fernandez-Arcos A, Vilas D, Valldeoriola F, Compta Y, Fernández-Santiago R, Fernández M, Bayés A, Calopa M, Casquero P, De Fabregues O, Jaumà S, Puente VM, Salamero M, Martí MJ, Santamaría J, Tolosa E. Sleep Disorders in Parkinsonian and Nonparkinsonian LRRK2 Mutation Carriers. PLoS One . 2015; 10(7): e0132368.
Ferro P, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Bosch J, Farré M, Segura J*. Fit-for-Purpose Radio Receptor Assay for the Determination of Growth Hormone Secretagogues in Urine. J Biomol Screen 2015; 20(10): 1268-1276.
Guerra S*, Halonen M, Vasquez MM, Spangenberg A, Stern DA, Morgan WJ, Wright AL, Lavi I, Tares L, Carsin AE, Dobaño C, Barreiro E, Zock JP, Martínez-Moratalla J, Urrutia I, Sunyer J, Keidel D, Imboden M, Probst-Mensch NM, Hallberg J, Melen E, Wickman M, Bousquet J, Belgrave DC, Simpson A, Custovic A, Antó JM, Martinez FD. Relation between circulating CC16 concentrations, lung function, and development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease across the lifespan: a prospective study. Lancet Resp. Med. 2015; 3(8): 613-620.
Henríquez-Hernández LA*, Valenciano A, Foro P, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Cozar JM, Suárez JF, Castells-Esteve M, Fernández P, de Paula B, Ferrer M, Guedea F, Sancho G, Craven-Bartle J, Ortiz MJ, Cabrera-Roldán P, Herrera Ramos E, Rodríguez-Gallego C, Lara PC. Intraethnic variation in steroid-5-alpha-reductase polymorphismsin prostate cancer patients: a potential factor implicated in 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor treatment. J Genet 2015; 94(2): 335-341.
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